Texas Medical Resources

Texas Medical Resources delivers fast and easy service finding your medical providers across the state of Texas. Our goal is to locate providers in Texas closest to the your home so you have access to rehabilitation. This is a FREE community medical directory service. We do not take your information nor store it. We will locate resources in your city, and give you choices. You decide who to utilize.

As a patient who suffered severe atrophy, Founder, Olivia Hampton, had to learn to ambulate again as a freshman in college after a severe accident. It was a vigorous ordeal which she appreciated the surgeons, physical therapy team, nurses, and aids who helped her along her path of rehabilitation. Today, she have helped thousands of patients recover after their illness or injury starting in home health as a physician liaison for the past decade. If the patient needed oxygen, she would go out of her way to locate those resources. If the patient needed, medical equipment, she would take time out of her day, and call around until she became known as the resource girl. Her goal was to make sure that her community; her patients, gain access to resources to help recover as much as possible. She lives to pay it forward.

With only a zip code and specialty or medical service request, we can provide a free search for you as a community service by calling 855-4MED-HELP OR 855-463-3435.

24/7 Call 855-463-3435.